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Tai-Ex opening    
發布於 2024-05-10 10:34:13
The Tai-Ex opened up 21-points this morning from yesterday's close, at 20,582 on turnover of $3-billion N-T.

Longer Summers and Stronger Typhoons    
發布於 2024-05-10 10:34:13
A national scientific report on climate change is warning that if global warming continues without effective control measures, Taiwan could face seven-month long summers and fewer, but more severe typhoons.

According to the Ministry of Environment, without effective efforts to curb (抑制) greenhouse gas emissions that could happen by the end of the century, under the worst-case scenario.

The Climate Change Scientific Report 2024 has been published by the National Science and Technology Council.

The report says the number of typhoons affecting Taiwan is projected to decrease from four to five a year to three to four a year by mid-century and reach one to two a year by the end of the century.

However, is also warns that under the worst greenhouse gas emissions scenario, severe typhoons would intensify, move closer to the west, and pose greater risks to the region.

UN: No food or fuel entering Gaza    
發布於 2024-05-10 10:34:13
The United Nations says no humanitarian aid or fuel is currently entering the Gaza strip, which could have "catastrophic" consequences (結果) for the people there.

In its latest daily update, the world body says there have been ongoing and "significant amounts of bombardment (轟擊)" in eastern Rafah early Thursday "and all through the night".

Jody Jacobs reports from the UN headquarters in New York...

Japan Proposes Expanding Commercial Whaling to Fin Whales    
發布於 2024-05-10 10:34:13
Japan’s Fisheries Agency has proposed expanding commercial whaling to fin whales, a larger species than the three allowed now.

The proposal comes five years after Japan resumed commercial whaling along the country’s coast after withdrawing from the International Whaling Commission.

The agency decided to propose adding fin whales to the allowable catch list after stock (供應物,) surveys confirmed sufficient recovery of the fin whale population in the North Pacific.

It hopes to get the proposal formally approved in mid-June.

Japan's chief cabinet secretary says whales are an important food resource and that his government will support sustainable whaling.

China Baidu Exec Apologizes for Videos Glorifying Overwork    
發布於 2024-05-10 10:34:13
A top public relations executive from Chinese technology firm Baidu has apologized after she made comments that were seen as glorifying a culture of overwork.

Baidu’s head of communications Qu Jing implied in the videos that she was not concerned about her employees as she was “not their mom” and said she only cared about results.

Many on social media platforms like Weibo criticizing Qu for her lack of empathy (同理、同情).

Qu posted an apology Thursday on her private WeChat account, where she “sincerely apologized to all netizens."

Qu said her short videos did not represent Baidu’s stance.

The videos, which have since be taken down, came at a time when many young people in China are pushing back against a culture of competition and grueling (使人精疲力盡的) hours in the workplace.

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