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Tai-Ex opening    
發布於 2024-05-03 10:37:13
The Tai-Ex opened up 159-points this morning from yesterday's close, at 20,382 on turnover of $4.99-billion N-T.

The Tai-Ex fell sharply on Thursday, led by the bellwether electronics sector, following a sell-off triggered by heavy losses suffered by tech stocks on Wall Street overnight.

Investor sentiment also turned cautious amid concerns the U-S Federal Reserve will continue to delay the timing of a rate cut cycle due to stubborn inflation.

Delegation Heading to Geneva    
發布於 2024-05-03 10:37:13
Deputy Legislative Speaker Johnny Chiang says he'll be lead a delegation of lawmakers and officials from the Ministry of Health to Geneva later this month to push for Taiwan's inclusion in the World Health Organization.

According to Chiang, the delegation plans to hold meetings on the sidelines of the World Health Assembly to let "let the world know that Taiwan's bid to join the global health body is a consensus (共識) among all Taiwanese, regardless of political affiliation."

Speaking to reporters, Chiang argued that United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2758 does not affect the international legal status of the R-O-C, and Taiwan should have the right to participate in the U-N and its affiliated bodies.

The Deputy Legislative Speaker also stressed his full support for Taiwan's efforts to seek meaningfully participate in U-N specialized agencies - saying he believes Taiwan should have active participation within the international community.

US Biden Calls for Order on Campuses    
發布於 2024-05-03 10:37:13
US President Joe Biden says "order must prevail" on college campuses, as unrest engulfs (席卷) universities across the United States.

Police have arrested more than 1000 people after pro-Palestinian protests and Gaza solidarity (團結) encampments took hold at major schools nationwide, with students and staff demanding a boycott of companies or individuals with
ties to Israel.

Benji Hyer reports.

Japan Unveils Intl Framework for AI Use    
發布於 2024-05-03 10:37:13
Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has unveiled an international framework for regulation and use of generative AI.

Kishida says some 49 countries and regions have signed up to the voluntary framework, called the Hiroshima AI Process Friends Group.

He says they will work on implementing principles and code of conduct to address the risks of generative AI and “promote cooperation to ensure that people all over the world can benefit from the use of safe, secure, and trustworthy AI”.

When Japan chaired the Group of Seven leading industrialized nations last year, it launched a Hiroshima AI process to draw up international guiding principles and a code of conduct for AI developers.

The voluntary framework is aimed at helping to implement (實施) the principles and code of conduct to address the risks of generative AI.

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